New Year's Day Art Show
Twenty years on the road, we have been working hard to write a new chapter. In order to welcome the arrival of the New Year, on 26th December, 2023, the ‘Dragons Taking off from Thriving Home and Campus’ New Year's Day art performance of Anqing Foreign Language School’s Primary School Division was held in the school lecture hall, which was attended by school leaders and some parents.
First and foremost, the performance was divided into three sessions, which kicked off with a lively and cheerful warm-up video showcasing students' individual talents. Furthermore, 47 programs, including dance, songs, recitation, opera, cheerleading and melodrama, were presented, which not only brought an unparalleled audio-visual feast to the audience, but also ushered in the applause of teachers, students and parents!
In summary, the success of this performance is attributed to the strong cooperation and support of all teachers, students, parents in addition to all the workers in front of and behind the stage. More noticeably, while enriching the campus cultural life, the performance fully demonstrated the art education achievements of the Primary School Division in recent years and the comprehensive quality of students in the meantime.