Reading Sharing Meeting
On the afternoon of 16th May, the English Group of Anqing Foreign Language School’s Junior High School Division held a reading sharing meeting with the theme of ‘Today, you can be a teacher like this’, aiming at stimulating teachers' interest and enthusiasm in reading, invigorating the campus culture and creating a good reading atmosphere.
At the sharing meeting, combined with the beautiful articles she read, teacher Wang Yanhao focused on the key contents, opened her heart, communicated sincerely, expressed her reading testimonials and shared the education stories. Therefore, the whole activity was carried out in a moving, warm and inspiring atmosphere, which left a deep impression on everyone.
Overall, Yang Chun, the leader of the English teaching and research group, thought that this activity not only showcased the comprehensive quality of the teachers, but also enhanced the cohesion of the team. In the meantime, it’s hoped that the teachers will keep the heart of ‘happy reading’ forever, and keep moving forward with books.