Commendation Conference
In April, we are ready to sail. The mid-term examination has come to an end and our students watered the beautiful flowers with sweat and drew the colorful blueprint with endeavor. 
To start with, in order to recognize the ‘Progress Stars’, ‘Learning Stars’, encourage students’ morale, and create a strong learning atmosphere, on the morning of Thursday, 27th April, 2023, Anqing Foreign Language School held a mid-term examination summary and commendation conference, which was attended by all leaders and students of the Junior High School Division. 
Later on, Director Hu with the Junior High School Division read out the names of the students who were awarded the titles of ‘Learning Stars’ and ‘Progress Stars’. Meanwhile, the winning students went to the rostrum to receive their victory medals.
On the whole, all the students of the Junior High School Division will be confident and persistent, stay true to their original intention, pursue their dreams and forge ahead.