Safety Supervision
On the morning of 26th April, 2023, the supervision group of the Provincial Safety Commission conducted a comprehensive supervision and inspection of production safety and fire fighting work in our school, accompanied by Section Chief Hu of the Regulations Section of the Municipal Bureau of Education and Sports, and Branch Leader Huang of the Municipal Fire Rescue Detachment. Anqing Foreign Language School’s President Madam Huang Wenli, Vice Principal Liu Bing and other school leaders warmly received the supervision team of the Provincial Safety Commission.
First and foremost, on behalf of the school, President Madam Huang Wenli expressed warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to the Provincial Safety Committee. Madam President was quoted as saying, ‘Campus safety is an important routine job, which is directly related to the safety and stability of the school and society. Thus, our school has held the president's office meetings and the administrative meetings for many times to timely convey the document requirements of the provincial and municipal authorities. In addition, combined with our own practical work, the school will actively and prudently do a good job of campus safety work. In the meantime, it’s hoped that the leaders of the supervision group will put forward more valuable opinions and suggestions.’ Subsequently, the supervision team inspected the fire facilities and equipment in the student dormitories and canteen, emergency access and other important locations.
In conclusion, the supervision group gave full affirmation to the work of production safety and fire fighting in our school, and asked the school to attach great significance to production safety and fire prevention, further do a good job of campus safety work, and resolutely implement the decision and deployment of the superior departments to ensure the safety and stability of the campus.