Gaokao Oath-Taking Rally
February 27th was the eighth day of the second month according to the lunar calendar, which was so warm and sunny outside.
In order to further inspire teachers and students to fight for the College Entrance Examination in June, stimulate the morale of teachers and students to win the College Entrance Exam, and fully mobilize their enthusiasm for 2023 College Entrance Examination, Anqing Foreign Language School held the 2023 College Entrance Examination 100-day sprint oath-taking assembly at 10.18 A.M. in the school lecture hall, which was presided over by Deputy Director Xu Haihong of the Senior High Department and attended by President Madam Huang Wenli, Executive Vice Principal Liu Bing, Secretary Lu Dan, Principal Assistant Xu Zuitai, Deputy Directors of the Senior High Department, Director of the International Department, parent representatives and all teachers and students of Senior Three.
First and foremost, the oath-taking rally began with the solemn national anthem. The participants all stood up and sang the national anthem to the sonorous rhythm, after which Principal Assistant Xu Zuitai, representatives of parents, teachers, students and head teachers of Grade 12 made their speeches respectively, whose speeches were impassioned and inspiring. Subsequently, the senior three student representative led all the students to shout out their oath--fight for one hundred days! Fight for a lifetime of sunshine!
After the speeches of the representatives, President Madam Huang Wenli delivered a passionate speech: this year's flowers were more vivid than last year!
At the end of the assembly, President Madam Huang Wenli and Vice Principal Liu Bing unveiled the 100-day countdown to the College Entrance Examination.
Furthermore, school leaders, parent representatives and all teachers and students of Senior Three solemnly signed their names on the wish banner ‘2023, with flying youth, we go to university together’.
In conclusion, working together, we should cherish time and race against the clock. Although there are still more than one hundred days left for the College Entrance Exam, time is running out and the value of time depends on its use. Hence, we should dare to challenge ourselves. It’s believed that with teacher's earnest instruction, parents’ eagerness, and 100 days of fighting together, the senior three students shall race against time to create brilliance!







